Anorexia Treatment for Women and Teen Girls

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment

Anorexia Treatment

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by a fear of gaining weight, even when a person is underweight. The causes of anorexia are not known and struggling with anorexia is not a character flaw or weakness. 

Many women and girls struggling with anorexia may benefit from the additional support and structure that a treatment program can provide.

With eating disorder treatment at Eden, we don’t just focus on eating disorder behaviors; we also help each of our clients work to address the co-occurring issues that are often experienced alongside an eating disorder.

Eden Center for Eating Disorders is located in Las Vegas, and we focus on helping women and adolescent girls, in separate programs, who are dealing with anorexia and other eating disorders. At Eden, we recognize that overcoming an eating disorder often requires specialized help and support.

Our experienced team of experts and specialists provides individualized treatment that is designed to meet the needs of each client and their personal situation.


More About Anorexia

Although anorexia is mainly about a fear of gaining weight or extreme weight loss due to calorie restriction, the complexities of this condition are far-reaching and are not only concerned with the lack of food consumed in the diet.

Someone dealing with anorexia nervosa often has a distorted image of themselves, which in turn can encourage obsessive feelings about food and weight. They can experience fear of gaining weight, even while being underweight.

Anorexia effects people of any age, gender, or background, although historically this was known as a disease which affected young people, and women in particular.

What are the most common signs of anorexia?

Whether you think you may be struggling with anorexia yourself or you are worried about a loved one, being able to recognize the signs, symptoms and behaviors of anorexia can be helpful.

Some of the most common signs that someone is suffering with anorexia nervosa include:

  • Restricting food by fasting or eating very little
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Obsessive behavior over healthy foods
  • Excessive exercise regimes
  • Taking diet pills to suppress appetite and aid weight loss
  • Taking laxatives
  • Compulsive behaviors at mealtimes
  • Lying about weight and diet
  • Mood swings and defensive behavior

A person struggling with anorexia may display some or all of the above symptoms and behaviors. This list should also not be considered comprehensive, since each person may exhibit different symptoms. Once admitted to our anorexia treatment program, our team will work with you or your loved one to create a treatment plan accordingly.

Are there any additional signs of anorexia nervosa?

While some signs of anorexia are more common, you may also notice other physical and emotional changes that could indicate that someone is struggling and would benefit from the help of a specialized treatment center.

Other signs of anorexia can include:

  • Dry and chapped skin
  • Noticeable fine hairs appearing on the body such as on the arms and face
  • Dizziness and headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Fear of eating or socializing with others
  • Cooking large meals for others to overcompensate

What about the treatment of anorexia nervosa in teen girls?

Sadly, anorexia nervosa is an illness that can affect people of all ages, even teens and adolescents. If you suspect that your child has an eating disorder, then a primary care physician should be contacted immediately. 

Early intervention is critical as severe anorexia in adolescents can cause compromised health into adulthood.

Family based treatment for anorexia

Whether your daughter, sister or wife is struggling with anorexia nervosa, our treatment programs offer family therapy sessions which provide an excellent way to encourage everyone to talk and share experiences.

In many cases, an individual has underlying fears that they do not initially feel comfortable or strong enough to share. That is why our therapeutic interventions provide meaningful sessions that focus on health and coping strategies for the future.

Undertaking therapy as a family is a critical step in the recovery process and can help each person understand how to help address eating disorder behaviors more appropriately and effectively.

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